Tantra - Sacred Sexuality for Singles

Tantra - Sacred Sexuality for Singles

Overview/Course Goals: To rediscover our natural capacity for ecstasy, fluidity of energy and expression, loving connection with others, and sacred sexuality.

croydonhall.jpgTantra is an approach to life, which integrates sex, emotions, the senses and spirituality. The exploration and refinement of the full spectrum of human experience, using methods of meditation, offers a rich and varied path of personal development. The Tantra path begins from wherever we are and works its magical transformation simply by helping us to experience our multidimensional being in the light of awareness. It is a life approach renowned for its devotion to pleasure and the senses as an entry into profound states of expanded consciousness.

Specific methods and meditations are offered according to the theme of each group process. These may include individual and partner exercises, dance, massage, stretching, emotional work, sharing, subtle energy work, ancient Tantra methods, rituals, and celebration. Private counseling sessions with the course facilitators, when and if needed, are an integral part of the course structure.

During a Tantra course you may find yourself becoming free, spontaneous, loving, sensitive and aware - qualities which form the foundation for a blissful life. Each portion offers a journey of deep and lasting transformation.

The Sacred Sexuality course is designed as a Tantra journey, which begins by opening up energy pathways, creating space inside for full-bodied ecstatic aliveness. Participants are supported in healing wrong conditioning and trauma around sexuality, discovering a natural and spontaneous sensual expression. The exploration takes one through various phases of development, such as self-love, same sex bonding, freeing and expanding male/female interaction, discovering the wonders of intimacy, and embracing sexuality as a sacred doorway to wholeness. The union of sexuality, love and spirituality is a profound initiation into the sublime world of Tantra.

We do not include sexual union between participants as part of the structure, but rather create a safe environment for the exploration, expansion and healing of sexuality through sensitive, caring group exercises and meditations. This offers powerful transformation to our sexual expression and to the way we relate to others and ourselves.