Soul Mate Tantra Training for Lovers

with Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita PhD and Tantra Team

The seven levels of the Couples Tantra Training have to be attended in sequence, i.e. Level 1, followed by Level 2, followed by Level 3 and so on. There are no exceptions to this requirement.

The training is offered in seven levels. It is designed to give you time in-between groups to experiment with the varying methods offered in each level. These methods are taught in a sequential order, offering a refined process of deepening intimacy, heightening sensual ecstasy, expanding love and awakening consciousness. Every day, as part of the training, each couple goes to the privacy of their bedroom for experiential Tantra meditations which include sexual union.The methods Sarita teaches to couples are techniques she has practised extensively in relationship.

Her co-facilitators have also done at least 500 hours of study and practice, using the same methods. The positive sexual and spiritual transformation Sarita has experienced through couples Tantra, inspires her to offer this possibility to lovers everywhere. It is a sacred transmission which jumps like a flame from heart to heart. The dynamics inside the group room include regular Tantra meditation sessions, various types of therapeutic exercises, massage, dance, sharing, celebration, emotional release, ritual and energy work. In addition to this, there is private counselling available if needed.

After completing the meditation series from level one, Love Partners can choose whether to continue on with level two or not. Each of the seven levels of the training is booked one at a time. The guideline is very simple, just follow your bliss!


tantra-singing.jpgLevel 1 – Intimacy: 6 days
This initiation supports you to deepen intimacy, purge stagnation from your relationship, open your heart to receptive, conscious communication, heal sexual dysfunction, and experience sacred sexuality. 

Level 2 – Male Female Balance: 6 day
In this level we offer an esoteric exploration of the male and female chakra system, leading to the harmony of opposite polarities, the experience of orgasm in all seven chakras and the phenomenon of the soul mate.

Level 3 – Sensual Awakening: 5 days
Exploring love relationship through the door of the senses, psychic sensitivity and heightened pleasure become easily accessible. Included in this level is a Yin Yang balancing meditation series which assists couples to experience lovemaking for two hours at a time or longer.

Level 4 – Royal Liberation: 6 days
In this level we explore the sacred union of male and female sexuality with a special ritual called ’marriage of the body.’ This includes preparation time, where men and women separate, to explore, heal and expand their own unique qualities. Included is a meditation series on the ultimate fulfilment of desires. 

Level 5 – Exalted Union: 5 days
In this level men and women explore their innate God and Goddess nature. Relaxation into exalted union supports conservation of semen. Women as initiatress invite their beloved to embrace divine sexuality, beyond time and mind.

Level 6 – Ardhanareshvara: 6 days
In this level, the divine spark, which fuels Yin and Yang, awakens. The couple remembers how it is to live as Ardhanareshvara, beyond duality, both inside oneself and in love partnership. Men as initiators, support women in discovering transcendental consciousness.

Level 7 – Mahamudra: 11 days
This level is a retreat, which usually takes place near the sea or in nature. Lovers will help each other in an ecstatic process of expansion towards Mahamudra, the ultimate gesture of love, which arises through orgasm with the universe.