Soul Mate Tantra Training for Lovers

with Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita PhD and Tantra Team


For lovers who want to feel alive, vibrant, and inspired in their relationship
Soulmates are not born, they are made...

If you wish to evolve your consciousness individually, you can meditate and use various personal growth techniques. However, when it comes to nurturing and elevating a relationship it requires a different approach. 

If you are a couple seeking to cultivate the very best version of your connection, you must embrace a shared spiritual path by practicing various partner meditations and growth modalities in your union.

By uniting your energies and devotion as a couple you can tap into a transformative journey that transcends individual growth and blossoms into a harmonious union of hearts and souls. Together, you embark on an extraordinary voyage of intimate exploration, mutual understanding and shared evolution.

The Soulmate training guides you on a step by step journey for enhancing and bringing to fruition your deepest aspirations for sexuality, love and relating in your relationship.


This 7 level journey guides couples through transformative Tantra practices that opens up a pathway to unimaginable levels of connection & ecstasy. 

Each Level is a new discovery that helps couples to ‘Rise in Love’ in myriad ways, from revelatory communication methods, conscious emotional fluidity, sacred rituals, divinely inspired massage techniques, dance and deeply transformational intimate Tantra techniques. With our unique ‘Love Appointments’ and dedicated private sessions, each practice helps couples deepen intimacy, awaken ecstatic love, and forge a sacred bond for a lifetime.

The creation of the Soul Mate Series of groups was inspired by a quote from Osho:

Two lovers can be transformed so deeply that all their seven centres can start meeting. Tantra is the science of turning ordinary lovers into Soulmates. It can transform the whole earth; it can transform each couple into soul mates.
It is one of the greatest treasures that is lying there, unused. The day humanity uses it, the earth will become aglow with a new love.”  - Osho, Philosophia Perennis, Vol 1

For more information CONTACT UISCA