Living in the Vertical Moment

Vertical Reality - Earth

The pull of Earth’s gravity might seem like the only thing anchoring us, but there’s a higher axis to align with—a path beyond mere horizontal sight, beyond the limits of “here” and “now.” Living in the Vertical Moment is learning to live in the fullness of that higher alignment, attuned not just to the pull of gravity, but to the silent beckoning of spirit that calls us upward, inward, and beyond.

vertical-reality-201.jpgAs you embark on this next chapter—one we call Vertical Reality 201 — you are ready to deepen this inner vertical flow, learning to not only hold yourself aloft but to lift others as well. You've gathered the tools and perspectives of Vertical Reality 101, and now, you will learn to entrain with others on the path, to harmonize with human energy and assist in their healing. With each new experience and each shared moment, you become both student and teacher of love in its most boundless form.

This course is more than techniques; it is an evolution of heart and mind. Here, you will find that true verticality is the art of merging fully, in profound love and acceptance, with all that stands in your field of connection. As you go deeper, you’ll experience what it means to merge not only with others but with the source of all life itself. Each breath becomes a dance with the divine, every heartbeat a reminder that love—true, vast, vertical love—is here to lift, guide, and heal.

With practice, you will sense an increase in your healing ability, your hands charged with a deeper current of peace, ready to mend not just bodies but souls. Whether or not you come with experience in hands-on healing, this course will elevate and refine your gift, letting you channel energies beyond your own into those who need it most. In your essence, you will be a power-point of peace, radiating love and compassion.